在十大电子游艺网站排行写作中心, 作家有能力“开着门写作”,“在同行中写作, 有了帮助和支持. Whether students have begun to write or need help gathering ideas 和 planning an assignment, 写作中心旨在提高学生的写作水平. Rather than meeting a short-term goal of improving one particular paper, we seek to improve the student writer's composing skills so that he or she can approach any writing assignment in a progressively more skilled 和 confident manner. We also strive to improve availability to quality support for faculty by providing access to workshops 和 in-class presentations. These opportunities target specific skills so that 十大电子游艺网站排行 students are equipped to translate good written skills into their future careers 和 vocations.
十大电子游艺网站排行写作中心,与 IWCA 宗旨及价值 Statement, acknowledges that the writing center is situated within 广泛的“社会, 文化, 机构, 区域, 部落, 以及国家背景,“在多种”全球经济和权力动态中运作,“是吗?”, ”因此, committed to facilitating a dynamic 和 flexible international writing center community."
To fairly serve all LU students 和 faculty, the 写作中心 has established the following 支持我们使命的指导方针, 和 we reserve the right to withhold service from any individual in violation of these policies.
- 写作中心的工作对象是本科生, graduate students 和 faculty (director sessions) as well as students from TIEP, LIT和地区高中(仅限双招生).
- Undergraduate 和 graduate students may schedule one 30- or 60-minute session per day 和 may schedule up to three session hours per week.
- Do not email any documents to the writing center unless you have first scheduled a virtual synchronous or asynchronous session.
- 如果你迟到了,我们将不会延长你的疗程. Sessions will be held for 10 minutes for 30-minute sessions 和 15 minutes for hour-long sessions before being given away. If you do not show up in this time frame, you will be considered a no-show.
- After two no-show appointments, you will be restricted from scheduling appointments online. 在四次未赴约之后, you will not be allowed to schedule any sessions 和 must walk in for a consultation.
- The 写作中心 encourages recurring appointments if you need more regular assistance; however, 两次约见都没来, the recurring appointment will be canceled without notifying you. Any reinstatement of a recurring appointment should be discussed with the director.
- 而写作中心确实接受预约, 将优先考虑已安排的会议. However, you may ask to be waitlisted if another student does not show up in a timely manner.
- You may be required by academic advisors or professors to book 写作中心 sessions. 如果您请求验证会话, 写作中心 consultants may email you from the 写作中心 email account. 如果您忘记请求验证会话, the 写作中心 can verify attendance through our conference reports 和 send an email with the session information. 写作中心 consultants cannot be responsible for filling out class lists, 合同, 调查问卷, 等.
- 写作中心 consultants do not evaluate essays 和 cannot speculate on grades.
- 写作中心的顾问不会为你创造内容.
- 写作中心 consultants are not editors 和 will not line edit or proofread content for you.
- 写作中心 consultants cannot consult with you on exams or quizzes without written permission from the instructor of record.
- 写作中心 consultants cannot assist you with content not written by you.
- 写作中心 consultants cannot knowingly assist you with plagiarized content. [十大电子游艺网站排行学术诚信政策]
- 如果您正在寻求整个文档编辑, you should seek the services of a professional editor (for further information in building a relationship with an editor, 请致电写作中心).
- If you are seeking targeted consultations for specific concerns in your writing, 你有资格参加写作中心的课程, 虽然你可能需要多次治疗.
- You should refer to your committees for assistance with content.
- 写作中心,按照 无障碍资源中心 以及国际写作中心协会 宗旨及价值 和 残疾和写作中心声明, is accessible to all students 和 "explicitly consider[s] disability as we carry out our professional work."
- 如果你需要住宿的话, 请尽快让我们知道, 我们会的, 当然, 尊重你的隐私.
- The 写作中心 employs several consultants who are fluent in American Sign Language. If you prefer to work with one of our ASL-proficient consultants instead of scheduling an interpreter, 请查看我们的日程安排系统, 其中包括顾问的个人信息. 或者,打电话给写作中心,要求这种类型的会议.
教师 should note that the 写作中心 cannot 和 should not control what students submit in class. 同时我们在协商中处理一些问题, 写作中心 sessions cannot 和 should not result in perfect papers. The 写作中心 works to produce better writers, not better product, 和 that process is ongoing.
- The 写作中心 will not discuss student grades with faculty members.
- 教师 may request brief procedural class visits by the 写作中心. 请至少提前48小时与我们联系.
- 教师也可以要求课堂指导. 请参阅我们的 研讨会页面 了解更多信息并请求指导.
- 教师 are encouraged to schedule personal sessions with the director.
- 教师 may also schedule sessions with the director for assignment review/critique.
- 教师 seeking whole document editing should seek the services of a professional editor (for further information in building a relationship with an editor, 请致电写作中心).
- 写作中心不能为教师保存记录.
与十大电子游艺网站排行合作 可持续发展办公室,写作中心保持无纸化环境. You are not able to print in the 写作中心, 和 we maintain several recycling bins.
- The 写作中心 reserves the right to end any session with a disruptive or disrespectful student. To preserve the safety of 写作中心 employees 和 十大电子游艺网站排行 students, 如有需要,工作人员可联系校园警察.
- Coffee makers, refrigerators 和 microwaves are reserved for employees only.
- 写作中心的员工都遵循 应急程序 由大学设立.