The 留学费用资助 is awarded to all currently enrolled LU students in good academic standing. 学生必须在截止日期前申请, 否则,他们的申请将不被考虑. 它可用于所有LU的短期使用, faculty-led项目, 经批准的课程,学生可以通过这些课程将学分转回卢大, 以及学期交换. 奖金数额各不相同,但大约为300美元.
有关更多付款信息,请访问我们的 为您的程序页面付费
1. 十大电子游艺网站排行国际教育费
由德克萨斯州第72届议会通过, the students of 十大电子游艺网站排行 may vote to levy an international education fee every long semester. 筹集到的资金, 根据立法规定, may be used only to assist students who seek to participate in international study abroad programs. 因此, 拉马尔的学生不仅有机会在国外学习, but they also may apply for financial support through the university's 留学费用资助 (SAFG) program. 从学生学费中产生的任何资金不得用于管理该计划.
2. 授予权力
The Director of Global Studies and 出国留学 will serve as the awarding authority for the SAFG program. The Advisory Committee will be comprised of one member of the student body appointed by the President of the Lamar 学生会协会, 文理学院的三名教员, 还有来自学校其他四个学院的一名教员.
3. 学生的资格
- Applicants must be enrolled in good standing or be admitted to a designated degree-granting program.
- Applicants must be enrolled as active full-time students at 十大电子游艺网站排行 at the time of the application.
- 申请人必须持有至少2个.如果是本科生平均绩点为0或至少为3.如果是研究生,平均成绩为0.
- 国际学生, 和其他拉马尔的学生一样, are eligible to apply for an SAFG; however, no money will be awarded to international students for study at 十大电子游艺网站排行 or for study in their home country.
- Applicants either on academic/disciplinary probation or who have delinquent financial obligations to 十大电子游艺网站排行 are not eligible for an SAFG award.
- 申请人必须是德州成功倡议(TSI)合规.
- Applicants who apply to a study-abroad program offered through another university must be certain that the credit hours earned at the foreign institution of higher learning are fully transferrable to 十大电子游艺网站排行. 作为申请过程的一部分, a Lamar student must confer with his or her home department chair and with the respective department chairs who have signature authority in those other academic disciplines that pertain to the courses which the student plans to study abroad. All parties must agree in advance that the credit hours earned at the designated foreign institution are transferrable to Lamar and are pertinent to the student's chosen degree plan.
4. 合同协议
学生 who apply for and are subsequently awarded a SAFG must agree to the following conditions:
- Successfully complete the academic requirements of the course or program and earn a passing grade for each college credit.
- Dutifully obey all rules and regulations of the organizers and sponsors of the international program.
- 遵守所在国和所在国机构的所有法律、法规和规定.
- Accept personal responsibility for safety and health and to exercise prudent behavior given that all international travel involves potential risks to one's well being and security.
- 赔偿十大电子游艺网站排行, 德克萨斯州立大学系统, and the State of Texas and its agents from any liability arising from participation in any international program or activity.
- Inform the Director of Global Studies and 出国留学 of any change in plans concerning the international program of study and further to understand that if the applicant elects not to participate in the course specified in the application after being awarded a fee grant, 不管是什么原因, 学生有义务全额归还SAFG的全部金额.
- 在未能履行合同要求的情况下,退还全部或部分SAFG.
Failure to comply with the above stipulations may result in punitive action against the student, 处罚可能包括, 但不限于, 追讨发还学费资助的诉讼, submission of complaint against a student to the Office of 电子艺游网投官方网站 for disciplinary action leading to suspension, 禁止学生将来注册, 或者屏蔽学生的记录. Criminal violations will result in referral to appropriate authorities for immediate action.
5. 政策及申请程序
- 留学费用补助金(safg)旨在补充留学费用. 重要提醒:
- 这是德州高等教育协调委员会的要求, 十大电子游艺网站排行 students who enroll in study abroad university-level credit earning courses must know that more than 50% of the actual course contact hours will be met outside of the United States.
- 也, 十大电子游艺网站排行 students who enroll in study abroad courses or programs organized by other institutions must provide evidence that the credit hours earned at foreign institutions of higher learning are transferable to Lamar and apply to ones degree plan.
- 奖学金每学年分三次发放:秋季、春季和夏季. 然而, the Advisory Committee reserves the right to make additional awards and to change distribution policies as circumstances require.
- Applications will be accepted only during the semester immediately prior to the semester in which one plans to study abroad: the spring semester for study abroad during the upcoming May mini-session, 夏天, and fall terms; the fall semester for study abroad during the upcoming spring term. The Advisory Committee is not obligated to accept any applications outside of these stipulated time frames, 所有申请材料必须直接送到留学办公室.
- SAFGs are limited to students who enroll in courses that will result in academic credit at 十大电子游艺网站排行. 申请十大电子游艺网站排行赞助课程的学生将优先考虑. 非学术相关的旅行不提供奖学金.
- 其他问题和查询应转发至 studyabroad@cq-hw.com.
6. 更改政策和指导方针的权利
十大电子游艺网站排行 reserves the right to change the policies and IEFG guidelines (items 1-7) as circumstances require. Modifications may range from altering the selection criteria to revising all other conditions and terms. 更新将通过全球研究和海外留学网站公布, 但必须经过适当的行政审批. The Director and the Advisory Committee seek to institute efficient and fair guidelines for SAFG awards, 为了达到这个目的, both are quite willing to propose changes to avoid unintended results that conflict with the program goals of promoting international educational experiences for 十大电子游艺网站排行 students.